Symptoms of Physical Domain Symptoms of Social Domain
Sleep disturbance “Victim” relational style - passive
Appetite disturbance Marked dependency on others
Tired or lack of energy Hypercritical of others; high reactivity to others
Change in body weight Passive –aggressive patterns
Body tend to be stiff, uptight or tense Social withdrawal [isolation]; social avoidance [apathy]
Vague or specific physical complaints Excessive approval seeking patterns
with no organic basis [i.e. stomachaches] Self-sacrificing, martyr[ish] patterns
Magnification or persistence of physical Over-responsible for others
symptoms Narrow range of communications skills
Facial or body ticks Inappropriate scapegoat[ing] of self or others
Panic attacks Diffuse or rigid personal boundaries
PMS or menopausal moodiness Tune out or zone out during conversations
Sensitivity to bright light or noise or fumes Power seeking or avoiding
Difficulty identifying and expressing feelings
Inconsistent patterns of relating[
Symptoms of Spiritual Domain Symptoms Related to Work or Behaviour
Reduced spiritual sensitivity Generalized, predictable, restricted response at work
Spiritual involvements, interpretations Ambiguity regarding rules, responsibilities, work
Loss of hope Rigidifying of boundaries, roles
Prolonged guilt Depressive situational cues, involving:
- specific people
Symptoms of Cognitive Domain -specific places
Negative expectations [hopelessness] -specific times of day, week or month or year
Obsessive thoughts Loss of motivation
Negative interpretation of events Overwhelmed- like you can’t get it all done
Suicidal thinking Feel overworked, pressured
Poor concentration
Focus on past issues Symptoms of Moral Domain
“Victim” mind set [helplessness] Normal attributes seem absent
Amplification, catastrophizing or minimization Decreased desire to do or be good
Fixation on particular thoughts and/or ideas Situational violation of personal values, rules, Perfectionist Thinking ethics
Thoughts race through your head
Perfectionist thinking
Symptoms on the Behavioral Domain Symptoms on the Emotional Domain
Aggressive or destructive acts Fearful or phobias
Crying spells Overly sensitive, frequent crying spells
Slow or slurred speech Loss of sources of gratification
Crave sweet or starchy foods Loss of sense of humor
Behaviors inconsistent with personal values Low self esteem
Destructive compulsive behavior Feelings of inadequacy, worthlessness
Psycho-motor agitation or retardation Loss of emotional attachments [apathy]
Weak or shaky behavior Dejected mood, sadness
“Giving-up” behavior Excessive or inappropriate guilt
Hyper Feelings of powerlessness
Compulsive behaviors High or low emotional reactivity
Repetitive unproductive actions Increase of irritability, anger
Focus is primarily on depressed feelings
Symptoms on the Subconscious Domain Loss of motivation
Destructive fantasies, images Feeling hypocritical
Recurring nightmares Discouragement (future looks bleak)
Dreams relate to real life experiences Trouble relaxing or loosing up
Interpretation of the ‘meaning’ of depression High levels of energy
Bothersome images Worried or anxious