Intellectual Ability Moral Character Emotional Intelligence
Observant /Alert Sensitive Calm/ Relaxed
Thoughtful Generous Cheerful
Curious Honest Realistic
Creative Kind Confident
Analytical Caring Composed
Good visual recall Integrity Stable
Articulate Sincere Assertive/Bold
Resourceful Respectful Committed /Determined
Quick Trustworthy Adaptable
Imaginative Benevolent Resilient
Artistic Tolerant Can do attitude
Good working memory Deferent Content
Good long-term memory Truthful Decisive
Good spatial relations Honorable Long suffering /joyful
Coordinated Brave Courageous
Social Aptitude Work Ethic Spiritual
Available Thrifty Meek
Attentive Thorough Compassionate
Sense of humor Reliable Hope
Open/receptive Helpful Faith
Good listener Organized /Orderly Charitable
Friendly Conscientious In Tune
Cooperative Dependable Obedient
Communicative Punctual Reverent
Sociable Persistent Virtuous
Fun loving Enthusiastic Discerning/discretion
Considerate Ambitious Penitent/contrite
Encouraging Proactive Wise
Agreeable Efficient True
Empathetic Dedicated Humble
Inclusive Goal oriented Valiant
Persuasive Staunch/stalwart Grateful
Hospitable Resourceful Merciful/forgiving
From the list of attributes above circle at least one from each category that represents a relative strength. Finding a strength in most categories may be quite easy. One or two may prove to be more difficult. Never the less persist until you have at least one in each category.
Then identify how that particular attribute might assist you with the present challenge you have identified. Be Creative! Think of any and all possible ways this characteristic might help you.
After you have completed this task, look through all the categories again and underline one attribute which you would designate is in short supply or a weakness. You can pick two if you like, but the idea is to target an attribute you could focus on for next few weeks. You do not want to dilute your effort too much. Remember to look for a quality or attribute that would be the most beneficial to you as you try to overcome a particular self-defeating behavior or problematic form of thinking.
Now for the last part, think of ways you might develop this quality or attribute. Look at ways to make it a part of your daily routine. Post it in a conspicuous location, look for quotes about it, study and read about it, find creative ways to integrate this characteristic into your life. Think about it, write about it, share your insights with friends, your partner or on social media. Make this your focus for 3 weeks. 21 days is the minimum time frame suggested for incorporating any new habit or pattern of thinking.