1. You learn to identify automatic thoughts that are dysfunctional and represent distortions of thinking that erode confidence, undermine self esteem and generate depressive feelings.
2. You learn to dispute erroneous or harmful thoughts by examining and focusing on the contrary evidence.
3. You learn to refute the problematic thoughts by replacing them with more realistic, reasonable, logical, positive or kind forms of self talk.
4. You learn to reinforce the more positive ways of thinking by repetition and inculcation.
This process once understood and consistently applied will do three things.
1. It will reaffirm the value of positive thinking and the destructive influence of negative thoughts
2. You will become immediately aware of what thoughts need to change.
3. You will change how you feel for the better!
At the very core of mental health and well-being are the thoughts we entertain and adheres to a basic principle: ‘The Law of the Harvest’ - we reap what we sow. Identifying, disputing, refuting, and reinforcing thoughts is and must of necessity be a life long process. Whatever effort is expended will reap a net benefit. The process of eliminating self defeating thoughts is in part a natural outgrowth of experience and maturation. However, much of the thinking habits we acquire are picked up and maintained as a function of upbringing and cultural mores and traditions and become habits rarely questioned or examined. Herein is where the damage is done. As Socrates uttered “the unexamined life is not worth living.”