The entries on this website are similar to what would likely be covered in counselling sessions I would conduct. It is hard to call it a substitute for counselling per say, but where time or monetary constraints prohibit face to face support this website and what is included here can help address specific concerns, generate needed focus, and provide proven strategies for intervention.
First things first. Decide what and where you need to focus your time and attention. Is there a presenting mental health issue? How much distress is it causing? If there is, this should be a priority. If not and things are generally going okay or you want to avoid a relapse or support someone else consider the Well-being section. It has a preventive and growth focus.
Complete the Symptoms of Stress Anxiety and Depression worksheet and highlight the symptoms you are presently or have recently experienced. If they are frequent, put a check beside the symptom and if the symptoms occur all the time, put two checks.
Next read the article Multiple Dimensions of Mental Health. This plus the symptom sheet will give some ideas of where to focus your time and energy. Again, choose the domain where the most distress is experienced and with the most pressing symptoms or where the root of the problem likely lies. Symptom distress and the cause are both important considerations.
Depending on the presenting concern, some background information will likely be helpful. Read the entries that are applicable, whether they be specific concerns or to obtain further insight into your own characteristics by completing self assessments, i.e. temperament or social style inventory.
Usually the first and the most productive approach is to focus on the Cognitive Domain. Read Self Talk Change the Way You Feel and review the handout Cognitive Distortions. If you need to better understand the rational for beginning here read As a Man Thinketh in the background section.
The first recommended strategy is called The Three Column Approach, so read this and take your first week applying what is suggested and journal your experiences. As an alternative use the DIE Model
Work on other domains and apply strategies as required. Each domain has concepts to learn and strategies to apply depending on the degree that particular domain is impacted. Again, prioritize your choices to address the most significant concerns first, then proceed in descending order.
When you have completed working on as many domains as you feel necessary, do an inventory to assess your overall functioning. You can complete the Self Assessment form included or redo the Symptoms of Stress Anxiety and Depression to see what gains have been made. Let your intuition and feelings guide your response and decide if further strategies are needed to generate the gains you desire.
The last step is a discretionary one. You may choose to go on to the Well-being Section and identify and incorporate preventive measures and practices to ensure continued gains and thus avoid a relapse.